“The stunning murals created by the pupils at Barncroft School, with local resident and artist Maud Milton, founder of Artyface, are a wonderful example of the creative projects that make Walthamstow a place for everyone to enjoy. It was fantastic to see Groundwork supporting and enabling this partnership project to flourish”

Stella Creasy, Labour and Cooperative MP for Walthamstow

Stella Creasy at Walthamstow Gateway

“It’s great to see local organisations such as Artyface access funding to involve all members of the local community in creating and displaying these beautiful mosaics that benefit not just the schools where they’ve worked but the wider community from postmen to passersby.

Injecting both creativity and colour across Waltham Forest and London, it’s brilliant to see such a lasting legacy and impact of everyone’s hard work and enthusiasm.”

Alex Forrester, Programme Manager, Groundwork London