Artyface Newsletter: Autumn 2013 | ||
We hope these two recent projects will inspire you to collaborate with Artyface.
Please scroll down to see what we have created with over one thousand pupils, teachers and community members.
If anything catches your imagination do get in touch: whole school projects, school signage, Pupil Premium Projects,
private commissions, weekend workshops for individuals are all catered for. | ||
Mosaic Workshops for you! | ||
We'd love to teach you at our mosaic workshops on the River Lea and the
River Thames. They can be arranged to suit. We are looking forward to our next sessions, meeting new faces and
helping you realise your ideas: see for more details. WORKSHOPS OCTOBER half-term: Monday 28th NOVEMBER: Sat 9th & Sun 10th Saturday 16th Cost £110 for one day, £200 for two days including materials and copious cups of tea | ||
Curwen Primary School, Newham, London E13 | ||
"We are delighted with the outcome of the mosaic. It has given the school a lasting legacy,
which can be used by the pupils for years to come. It has been an excellent experience for all involved, deepening our
understanding of the history of the river Thames and developing our sense of identity within our community." Paul Harris Headteacher |
This was a whole school project with 700 pupils and 70 members of staff taking part.
The theme for the mural was 'Our London' and all pupils took a trip on the River Thames at the beginning of term in
January to gather ideas, take photographs and draw. To fit in with their term's project, Years 2 upwards drew with Artyface
artists spanning 5 overarching themes: The Romans The Docks Plaistow then and now through the local architecture London Landmarks Local famous people and activities These clay panels would be like portholes, linked with colourful mosaics depicting the River Thames. |
Pupils in Nursery, Reception, Years 1 and 2 made clay fish, boats and square tiles,
pressing scrap objects into the wet clay to make patterns and textures which were glazed in different colours. 5 'wet' clay circular panels, all a metre in diameter, were then slabbed out and worked on in the school over a few weeks with Year 3 upwards pressing objects in to transfer their drawings into the clay. The slabs were cut up and numbered, dried and painted with oxides, then fired to 1280 degrees. The mosaic workshops began with an INSET day for the teachers. Pupils from Year 3 - Year 6 came in small groups over the week to learn about mosaics and lay the handmade clay fish and boats. |
The mosaic was erected during the half-term and the opening ceremony was in July 2013. "It is great to think we have made something that will still be there after we have left and gone to secondary school - it's like our legacy and in many years, it will still be there. As a class we really enjoyed learning about the different bits of London's history. I helped draw the Olympic flame and added the tiles onto the Thames section." Lucy Hulme Year 6 |
"The mosaic looks fantastic - it really brightens up the playground. There is so much detail on there,
every time we look at it, we see something different. Well done!" Kate Miles Parent |
Five Elms Primary School, Romford, London RM9 | ||
The brief was to celebrate the life of the Headteacher who sadly
passed away in 2012. Pupils drew objects and things they wanted to represent her and the artists
incorporated glass beads from some of her necklaces. The six circular panels were to be celebratory, colourful, happy and fun. "The children enjoyed the sessions, fantastic outcome. Well worth it!" Teacher Year 4 | ||
Over 400 pupils and staff took part over a week of workshops, helping to create these mosaics, giving them a chance to contemplate and remember. The bright and cheerful pieces now have pride of place in the new garden at the front of the school welcoming everyone, every day. The peaceful garden has a fountain, wind chimes, willow structures planted by the pupils and their beautiful mosaics - a great space for exploring, relaxing, teaching and playing - a lovely legacy. | ||
Artyface Newsletter: Summer 2013 | ||
We hope the five recent projects depicted below will act
as an inspiration for future collaborations with Artyface. Please scroll down to see murals we have
created with thousands of pupils, teachers and community members. Whole school projects, school signage,
Pupil Premium Projects, weekend workshops for individuals: all enquiries welcome. Globe Primary School Gates, Inside and Out | ||
The old school metal gates were looking very tattered after major building projects at the school. Nicola Lennon, the Art Co-ordinator, wanted Years 1 and 2 to design and make some colourful new gates for inside and outside the school. The children drew mini-beasts and their habitats which Catherine Clark then collaged into designs. Becky Sicardi carefully measured the gates and Olivia Flecha cut the marine ply to fit. Children came to work throughout the day with the Artyface artists, painting their designs on to the primed surfaces. | ||
The pupils spent 2 weeks in small groups mixing acrylic paints and
painting them on to the primed wood. They learnt lots about colours and painting techniques, first
blocking the colours in and then adding patterns and fine details. The gates were then varnished several times to ensure they will last and then they were proudly put into place. The children love them and they look great! | ||
Rachel Keeling Nursery, Tower Hamlets, London E2 | ||
With 14 splashbacks to design and make to go above the new sinks, the children and staff agreed that water and fish would be a good theme, especially as the children liked their new aquarium so much. A group of children from the nursery went on a trip to The London Aquarium to draw the fish accompanied by staff, parents and the Artyface Artists Catherine, Becky, Olivia and Maud. Maria, the art co-ordinator, also arranged for trips out to view local mosaics. | ||
Catherine visited the Nursery with real fish for the children to draw. Becky and Olivia took in crank clay to make the fish and bubbles with the pupils. The children rolled out the clay, traced their fish drawings on to the clay and experimented pressing objects in to make scales, eyes and fins. They used the knives to cut their fish out and circular cutters to make bubbles. | ||
These fish and bubbles were glazed according to how many the children wanted red, orange, yellow or 'toasty'. The mosaic 'water' was then glued down by pupils around the stoneware fired fish and bubbles. The majority of the full time children (60) took part. The unique splashbacks are now in place opposite their school aquarium and the children are very proud of their work. | ||
"This exciting project supported a fabulous range of challenging learning experiences
including: knowing that books serve a range of purposes, being able to notice and talk about what
they see/feel and smell, as well as to use real tools for a purpose and lastly, manipulating materials for a
specific effect. This entire project perhaps most importantly was hugely successful as the children were predominantly
the leaders of their learning and through this process enhanced their creativity!" Ben Hasan Headteacher |
"The wonderful experience to create the mosaics enabled the children and the adults to learn new skills.
Everyone involved enjoyed developing their knowledge about mosaics and the children showed great pride in sharing their
mosaics with their families. I certainly feel inspired to create more mosaics in the future." Maria Ioannou Teacher and Art Co-ordinator |
Bigland Green Primary School, City of London, London, E1 | ||
This was a three part project: 8 mosaics for the front of the school on the street-side of the school entrance; 120
painted wooden hexagons in the playground; 2 painted wooden huts in the playground. Bigland Green Primary School wanted to transform part of their playground, inside and out by cheering up a couple of boring wooden huts as well as mosaicing part of their front wall on the street. The theme for the playground and the mosaics was based on the idea of growth, a natural theme to counteract their urban environment as well as linking in with their school motto: 'a fun and friendly place to learn and grow'. In the spring term children from Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 drew plants and all kinds of flora with Catherine and Becky from Artyface, working closely with Sally Mansfield, the school's talented Art Co-ordinator. |
"The whole school community has thoroughly enjoyed working with Artyface. From the moment that
Maud first arrived in school to discuss the brief to the completion of the work everything has been organised and
executed exceptionally well. Maud and her team are great to work with. The whole experience has been a joy and completely 'hassle free'" Sally Mansfield Art Co-ordinator, Bigland Green Primary |
Younger children (Nursery Reception Years 1 and 2) had workshops with the artists to make richly patterned and textured leaves, as well as simpler square and circular tiles, which were taken away and glazed and fired to 1280 degrees. All the edges of the mosaic circles are hand-cut recycled mirror. Pupils, parents, governors and teachers visited the art room over the residency to glue some tiles down, to have their input into the creative process and to learn about the collaborative mosaicing method. | ||
"When I did the mosaic I felt amazingly happy. I felt like I worked so well with the school.
I felt so good that I took part in something. The thing I loved was spreading the soft crystal white glue on the square
surface of the mosaic tile." Amira, Year 4 |
"I felt really happy and excited about the mosaic. I loved doing the gluing and ripping of the squares.
I liked the noise of the thing that was used to cut the squares - clip, clop, clip clop! When I saw the finished mosaic I
thought it was magnificent." Amal, Year 4 |
The final results went up on the street with a ceremony attended by local press and the Tower Hamlets Mayor. The reaction from passers-by and excited pupils was heart-warming. They brighten up the school entrance and will be a fun and inspiring part of the local streetscape for decades to come. | ||
Bigland Painted Wooden Hexagons Pupils painted their own wooden hexagons based on their drawings made at the beginning of the residency with Artyface. They carefully designed their painting, and learnt how to mix colours using 2 yellows, 2 reds and 2 blues with a bit of white. They painted onto sustainable marine plywood. There is a hot and cool yellow, the same with the red and the blue. The results are delightful and these have been varnished with yacht varnish and put up in the playground to be enjoyed for years to come. |
Bigland Painted Wooden Huts Painting the wooden huts was a nice job to do in the summer term with pupils: one hut had a theme of space and rockets and the other an underwater theme. These were also yacht varnished to help preserve them. This part of the brief personalized the standard wooden huts for playtime and would also help creative and imaginative play.. |
Make Your Own Mosaic Workshops We'd love to teach you at our mosaic workshops on the River Lea and the River Thames. They can be arranged to suit. We are looking forward to our next sessions, meeting new faces and helping you realise your ideas: click HERE for more details. |
A Big Thank-you To: A big thank-you to Ardex, Fired Earth and Reed Harris Tiles for their donation of materials as well as the fabulous volunteers who have helped to make these projects bigger and better than they would otherwise have been. Big thanks to all who laid a tile - every child, teacher, parent, caretaker, cooks and all: you know who you are! Also special thanks to Dickie for his skills and help, and the Artyface Team for being brilliant, inspiring and great to work with. |
Artyface Newsletter: Spring 2013 | ||
Big thanks to the team who have been doing an
amazing job while Maud has been juggling work and motherhood: Isaac came into the world on the 22nd December 2011,
arriving home on Christmas Day. Here are some of the projects produced with thousands of people over the last year and a half, more coming in the Summer Newsletter soon! Hugh Myddleton Primary School, Islington, London EC1R | ||
Pupils in Nursery, Reception, Years 1 and 2 made clay tiles of leaves and fish,
pressing scrap things into the wet clay to make patterns and textures which were glazed in different colours. The design was based on the pupils' drawings made on trips to gardens and other sites of inspiration, and had the water theme as its base with fish and stylised waves. Natural flora and fauna grow out of the water with day and night background colours. The naturalistic forms morph into tesselating Arabic decorative patterns at the top. Inspiration was also taken from the famous Marjorelle Garden in Morocco with its bold colours and natural forms. |
The mosaic workshops began with an INSET day for the teachers. Pupils and
teaching assistants then came in small groups over three weeks to create their marvellous masterpiece.
The mosaic was erected during the holidays. A previously dark and dingy courtyard now sparkles and reflects
colour and light from the pond and the sky, with mirrored tiles bouncing reflections onto the courtyard walls. Read more about this project here. | ||
Alfred Salter Primary School, Southwark, London E16 | ||
The brief was to have lots of different coloured hands and
the school's logo, along with the school's uniform colour. "Every child, every staff member and even a few OFSTED inspectors at Alfred Salter Primary School placed a stone into this mural; we are very proud of it and we feel it says so much about how we view our school and the wider community." Shaun Dellenty, Deputy Head The hundreds of hands that helped to create the artwork are represented in this successful piece that hangs in the entrance hall of the school welcoming everyone, everyday. Read more about this project here. and see here for more about the pioneering inclusion work of the Deputy Headteacher Shaun Dellenty. |
The Globe Primary School, Bethnal Green, Tower Hamlets, London E2 Diamond Jubilee Self-Portraits | ||
"It was great making the diamonds for the Jubilee.
We have really marked the occasion. It was great to make it and now it's even better looking at it." Abida Abdin, Pupil "The wall is bright, colourful and welcoming." Mel, Parent "I love it because I never painted myself on a diamond shape and I like the way it stood out in the playground. It looks really effective." Sumaya Rahman, Pupil "When you walk into the playground it is very vibrant and jolly." Vicky, Parent | ||
Martin Primary School, Finchley, London N2 | ||
The children's words say all you need to know about this enriching project: "Martin Primary School has been working on a mosaic about East Finchley. All the special elements of our area are included. The children from all years went out and took photos and sketched. Throughout these 2 weeks children from Year 3 and upwards visited the art room in groups and helped to do the mosaic. We have made the mosaic using tiles made from glass, ceramic and handmade tiles made from clay. Children made the buildings out of tiles made from wet, soft clay. Afterwards, the artists used a special oven called a kiln to cook the clay up to 1280 degrees centigrade to make it hard and strong so it can survive British Winters. Everyone is excited about the brilliant mosaic going up in the playground." Yonaton and Esther, Pupils 6B "Artyface has been doing this with other schools. You use quite a lot of old materials to make a mural. They would use glass, mosaic and much more materials. The ceramic tiles we made might last 5000 years which might be found by archaeologists. The Archaeologists might put them in famous museums to represent our fantastic school." Pele Patrick, Pupil aged 8 "Artyface has helped children in other schools make their murals and I think they look really cool. The mural will have lots of different parts of East Finchley and our school. We are doing this to represent our school and where we live." Margree, Pupil aged 8 | ||
"We were really pleased with the whole process of the mural designing, making and the finished piece! The children loved
being involved in such a wonderful project. They have taken a real pride in their artwork and are endlessly spotting their own mosaic work
and sketching within the mural, which they've also been thrilled to show their parents. Artyface are a truly professional team and created
a piece with our children that we can all be proud of for years to come." Rhona Elson and Jessica Lundie, Art, display and design coordinators Read more about this project here. |
St Mary's Church, Islington, London, N1 | ||
70 children and adults created two mosaics now mounted on an outside wall of the St Mary's Community Centre and inside The Crypt at St. Mary's Church, Upper Street, Islington. The two days of workshops were free and open to all, part of the Soul in the City Festival that saw 2,500 free cups of tea, coffee or squash served, 2,500 free slices of cake eaten and 1050 seats were filled to enjoy free theatre, opera, hiphop and an 'Upper Street's Got Talent' show. The green behind the church was transformed into a great "Family Fun" afternoon and it was a pleasure to be part of such a wealth of generosity, fun and friendliness. | ||
"The mosaic was magnificent. Thanks so much." Reverend Martine Oborne,Curate |
"Thank you all so much for working so hard and for welcoming all comers to the workshops. The mosaics are beautiful." Helen Mylam,Organiser for mosaics for Soul in the City Read more about this project here. |
A big thank-you as always to Ardex, Fired Earth and Reed Harris Tiles for their donation of materials as well as the fabulous volunteers who have helped to make this project bigger and better than it would otherwise have been. Also special thanks to the Artyface Team for generously putting up with Maud's "baby brain" and months followed by weeks off tending to the demands of motherhood. Big thanks to all who laid a tile from every child, teacher, parent, caretaker, cooks and all: you know who you are! | To read more about our work go to the
Independent newspaper. Start your school's new year with an exciting art project, a legacy mosaic or a painted wooden welcome sign or mural for your school, drawn and designed by your pupils and made in bespoke workshops with your pupils, staff and parents: an enriching and collaborative artistic experience. Please call Maud on 07958 911 315, or contact us here. All enquiries are welcome. Please do not hesitate to call. |
Artyface Mosaic Workshops | ||
We'd love to teach you at our mosaic workshops on the River Lea and the River Thames. They can be arranged to suit. We are looking forward to our next sessions, meeting new faces and helping you realise your ideas. | ||
Call Maud on 07958 911 315 for more information, to ask any questions, arrange a meeting or a quote. | ||
Artyface Newsletter: August 2011 | ||
Globe Primary School, Bethnal Green: an artistic act of beautification | ||
Lots of volunteers and hundreds of passers-by got involved and cheered on
this beautiful and permanent glittering mosaic.
As helicopters hovered over Hackney within earshot and sight, as sirens whizzed past, the community's reaction to the unexpected improvement to their streetscape was overwhelmingly positive with people on bikes, mobility scooters, cars, mopeds and on foot stopping, photographing and admiring the work. |
This week, when so much has been destroyed, we have also seen London at its best: creative, inclusive, caring and community minded. With the big voluntary clear-ups and other such positive actions, this mosaic project has also been helping to make London a more beautiful and inspiring place in a tiny way, in a good and long-lasting way. This huge public work in Bethnal Green has been balm to the soul for everyone involved and passing-by. All day people have stopped and chatted to us, we have had hundreds of positive reactions from children as young as 1 right through every generation and culture. The mosaics will last for generations to enjoy it too. | ||
The team of artists and volunteers were working everyday on the street last Thursday and Friday and all week this week in Bethnal Green putting up 20 square metres of sparkling, colourful, beautiful mosaics, made with the local community. About 600 people worked on the designs and made the mosaics in the school with Artists from Artyface: the Smart Face of Community Art. | ||
We are proud to announce that the school have commissioned us to make more mosaics this coming school year to
fill the new wall from their new building work. Let's see what fantastic ideas the children come up with this time! For more on this project please click here. | ||
Start your school's new year with an exciting art project, a legacy mosaic or a painted wooden welcome sign or mural for your school, drawn and designed by your pupils and made in bespoke workshops with your pupils, staff and parents: an enriching and collaborative artistic experience. Please call Maud on 07958911315 or contact us here. | ||
Artyface Mosaic Workshops | ||
We'd love to teach you at our mosaic workshops on the River Lea and the River Thames.
They can be arranged to suit. We are looking forward to our next sessions, meeting new faces and helping you realise your ideas. Call Maud on 07958 911 315 for more information, to ask any questions and to arrange a meeting. |
Artyface Newsletter: Spring/Summer 2011 | ||
A Glittering Legacy Mosaic for Bevington Primary School, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, London | ||
"We were looking for something really special to set off our new building as well as improving the streetscape, and Artyface delivered. Our brief included East-meets-West artistic traditions and, by liaising with a local museum, this was achieved in a stunning way. The children learnt much and really enjoyed making a mosaic they can be rightly proud of. I love the mosaic, it's just awe-inspiring. Well done for finishing the job so well. Everyone loves it, especially the parents and children." John Towers, Headteacher | ||
The design was based on pupils' drawings made at the opulent and inspirational Leighton House Museum in the borough. The whole school community is rightly very proud of their new, glittering, colourful school entrance that the pupils worked so hard to make! What is also special about this project is that it is visible for the whole community to see all day when the school gates are open, brightening up the neighbourhood for everyone. | ||
Every school can have an affordable and exciting art project, a legacy mosaic or a painted wooden welcome sign or mural, drawn and designed by pupils and made in bespoke workshops with pupils, staff and parents. It is an enriching and collaborative artistic experience. Please call Maud on 07958 911 315, or send a request from HERE. | ||
Women@theWell, Kings Cross, London | ||
"Women@theWell is a day centre for vulnerable women based in Kings Cross.
Women@thewell worked with Artyface on our memorial project in March and April 2011.
The staff and volunteers at Artyface were all fantastic with our service users and engaged them in this piece of work.
I have never had a project that has engaged this number of service users and for such a sustained amount of time.
We would be more than happy to work with Artyface on projects in the future.
We are so pleased with the results of the project and the women are so proud, it really has changed our garden." Amy Watson Project Co-ordinator |
We were invited to work with this vital organisation working with some of the most underpriviledged and vulnerable women in London. Sister Gloria had seen our work at Maria Fidelis Catholic School and had recommended us. The theme for the panels was to commemorate two women who had passed away who used to attend the day centre: their initials are JG and JJA. Also we were to invite participants to incorporate their own symbols or initials into the panels to celebrate the lives of people they too had lost, if they so wished. | ||
We would like to thank everyone who laid a tile: most importantly all the women who attended the workshops, also all the volunteers and staff from Women @the Well, all the staff who worked for Artyface, especially Catherine, Neha, Charece and Sunita for generously donating their time, and Clem for mounting and grouting. For more on this project click HERE. | ||
Some images from other recent projects: | ||
Artyface Mosaic Workshops | ||
Mosaic Courses are running as follows: Weekends of 30th/31st July and the 13th/14th August Wednesday and Thursday 3rd/4th August and Tuesday and Wednesday 16th/17th August See HERE for more details or call us if you would like a date that isn't listed: we can run a course for you if there are 3 or more of you. |
Artyface Newsletter: January 2011 | ||
Priestmead Primary School, Harrow, London | ||
Late Autumn Term 2010 saw the completion of a colourful and creative project made to mark the merging of the infants with the juniors to make one combined school. Our project was to make something to celebrate and reflect the school and its motto and logo. It was agreed we would use multi-cultural patterns to reflect the many cultures that make up the school community. Pupils, teachers and parents would be working together, drawing and mosaicing, helping to unify the new school community through teamwork in workshops run by Artyface. The finished mosaics now celebrate the new school in their new entrance hall and all around the school corridors, visible for years to come. | ||
As this project was indoors, we could supplement our usual stock and handmade tiles (made by the youngest children in the school) with whatever bits-and-bobs the school community brought in to us, hence the shells in Pegasus' wings were brought in by one keen student, and there are many beads and tiles scattered throughout the project, brought in by excited pupils. We could also use visually rich old broken china as frost wouldn't be an issue, and so we used pottery from all around the world, again, reflecting the wide demographic of the school. | ||
Years 5 drew with Year 2 and the Year 6 drew with the Year 1. The teamwork was great
and there was excellent buddying from the older children. The resulting drawings made great designs for the mosaics.
The project began with an INSET so the staff were really involved from the outset. Working on a communal project
helped them to all get to know each other in an educational, creative and fun way on the first day of the merged schools. "Thank you again for the superb INSET. Our staff thoroughly enjoyed it and the mosaics are looking wonderful." Fariah Anwar-Simmons, Mosaic Project Co-ordinator and teacher | ||
Lots of parents came in to help and even brought us homemade cake (thank you Roxanna). Special thanks to Fariah and Nicky for all their liasing and to Fariah for the idea for a legacy art project to mark the occasion. Thank you also to Becky the volunteer, to the builders for their help putting the panels up, and to the whole school community for being such an inspiration and a pleasure to work with. | ||
"Amazing! Absolutely amazing. We were tingling with excitement as we
walked closer to the class. When we saw it, we were stunned. We were rushing to see all the mosaics.
We each got a job. There was nothing like this experience, ever." Rahil Year 5NB |
Artyface Mosaic Workshops | ||
We'd love to teach you at our mosaic workshops on the River Lea and the River Thames.
They can be arranged to suit. After two successful summer weekends teaching we are looking forward to our next sessions
and meeting some new faces and seeing your ideas. Call Maud on 07958 911 315 for more information, to ask any questions and to arrange a meeting. | ||
Artyface Newsletter: November 2010 | ||
We have started a beautiful fish inspired Porthole Mosaic Mural and Welcome sign at Grove Primary School in Romford, Essex | ||
We will let the pupils explain their project to you in their own words as they are so articulate and have worked hard with us on all the processes. Their drawings have been scaled up to be made into five mosaic portholes, and the bubbles will be a part of this seascape. There is also a school sign with the school logo for their new front wall. | ||
"When we drew the fish we felt excited because we have never done anything like
it before. We drew octopuses, fish and crabs. It was better to draw from real life than from a
photo-copy as we get more detail. We learnt when you concentrate you get better results on your
work. We are using the drawings for a permanent display at Grove primary school." Bill and Amber Year 6J |
"Today I leaned that ceramic is a hard type of material. Clay is from
underground and to turn this clay into a ceramic you need to put it into a special oven called
a kiln and its temperature is 1300 degrees centigrade which is five times better and hotter
than a normal oven. I had a great time making my own bubble made from glass, ceramics, stone and much more." Nabil Year 5G |
"I enjoyed doing the mosaic because it was really fun. There were weird but wonderful
colour tiles. We did bubbles with rainbow coloured tiles and also black tiles and the covered with a mirror.
Our theme was fish and portholes. We did this because all the children and teachers wanted to brighten up
the school entrance. We choose the fish theme because we give away our fish because of the building work.
Just to remember the fish we made mosaic murals about them." Chankave Year 6A |
"When we drew the fish we felt excited because we have never done anything like
it before. We drew octopuses, fish and crabs. It was better to draw from real life than from a
photo-copy as we get more detail. We learnt when you concentrate you get better results on your
work. We are using the drawings for a permanent display at Grove primary school." Bill and Amber Year 6J |
"We made a huge mosaic mural to go on our school wall. It has three school trees in the middle
and has the words 'Grove Primary School' round the trees going in a circle. It is a bright green, brown and
white sign. I helped with the sign for our school wall. It was really fun! When I grow up, if I take my
kids to school at Grove Primary that will still be there! I had a great time!" Nicole Year 5N |
"On the 13th of Octomber, some of the children in 6A and in 6J went to make some
mosaics. The children started by making a circle out of black clay tiles. The children had tiles that had the
colours of the rainbow on it. So they put them in order (the colours of the rainbow were red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple)
and then the space that was left over, they filled it with little mirror tiles. After they put them in order they had to
glue them on. We really enjoyed the lesson and we wanted more. After we finished, some of the teachers gave some jobs
to the children who wanted to stay. The jobs were to sort out some of the colours in the tray.
The other children went out to play, it was lunch time!" Gabriel Vasvari Year 6A |
After a great week working with the pupils we then had a productive INSET day with all the staff at the school to round of their first half of the term. All the mosaic portholes were started and we are looking forward to parents and pupils finishing off their masterpieces later in November. Thank you pupils, parents, governors and staff so far for all your help and we are looking forward to meeting more of you next half-term! | ||
Artyface Mosaic Workshops | ||
We'd love to teach you at our mosaic workshops on the River Lea and the River Thames.
They can be arranged to suit. After two successful summer weekends teaching we are looking forward to our next sessions
and meeting some new faces and seeing your ideas. Call Maud on 07958 911 315 for more information, to ask any questions and to arrange a meeting. | ||
Artyface Newsletter: October 2010 | ||
Sunny and spectacular unveiling of the finished Mosaic Mural in Coldfall Primary School, North London | ||
We completed the project with lots of technical help and material sponsorship from the wonderful Ardex: Colin Ward in particular deserves thanks for his advice about fixing the crumbling wall. Thanks also to the builders in the school who rendered the wall so well and to our numerous volunteers, Bianca, Sara, Alison and Anja as well as the usual Artyface Team. | ||
There was a wonderful opening ceremony to celebrate the school's Ecological mosaic and new solar panels. The children read poetry, sang, showed a great film they had made and Maud and the Solar Panel company gave speeches. The children did the school proud and show-cased a lot of talent. Everyone wore green clothes too and the hall was a sea of beautiful shades of greens in every hue and shade imaginable. | ||
We used lots of recycled tiles from Fired Earth, Reed Harris (thanks to Dawn for organising), Daniel Smith and other potters from Archway Ceramics, from Karen Tooth at London Potters (thanks to Joseph for collecting them!) and Smiles Glass in Walthamstow. Some of the birds, like the kingfisher and the birds of prey, have at least 80% of their tiles from re-used sources. What an ecological breakthough, and they look rich and varied for it! | ||
All the classes in the school are named after a type of bird, and we made each of these birds, plus some extras and a tree.
The mosaics sparkle in all weathers and what was a really battered old wall now looks spectacular. The amazing drawings the pupils drew with Catherine were the starting point for the mosaic and these were drawn up and used as the starting point for the mosaics. We used the reverse paper method for some birds and also the direct method on the tree and the higher birds. The children are really proud of their work. This was the project featured on the front cover of The Independent Education Supplement in July 2010, to see more about this project see the Press page... | ||
Artyface Mosaic Workshops | ||
We'd love to teach you at our mosaic workshops on the River Lea and the River Thames.
They can be arranged to suit. After two successful summer weekends teaching we are looking forward to our next sessions
and meeting some new faces and seeing your ideas. Call Maud on 07958 911 315 for more information, to ask any questions and to arrange a meeting. | ||
Artyface Newsletter: September 2010 | ||
We have had a busy Summer, a great start to Autumn term and now Open Studio is this coming Saturday 18th September: do come along, we would love to see you. | ||
Open studio this Saturday 18th September at Artyface/Maud Milton's studio at Trinity Buoy Wharf as part of London Open House Architecture Weekend | ||
An awesome site in East London, overlooking two London rivers, the River Thames and the River Lea, with a view to the Millenium Dome. We are in Studio 1 Building A, on your left as soon as you come through the gate. Plenty of free parking or a 5 minute walk from East India DLR, we are open between 10am and 5pm on the Saturday. Come along and have a go at a community mosaic, see a mosaic studio in action, find out about our weekend courses and have a look at our past projects. You can visit several other open studios and experience events and good food at the Driftwood Cafe or Fat Boys Diner: there's lots to see and get involved in. Check out Trinity Buoy Wharf for more details. Trinity Buoy Wharf, 64 Orchard Place, E14 0JW. It would be great to see you there! A good experience for all ages so do bring your parents/friends/children. | ||
Priestmead Primary School, North West London | ||
We always like to involve the staff wherever possible so that the teachers and other staff
understand what the children are experiencing, as well as inspiring and educating the whole school community. At Priestmead
we launched their exciting project that celebrated the merging of the upper and lower schools with a massive INSET with
70+ staff mosaicing the designs drawn up from the pupils drawing workshops we held pre-summer holidays. It was a great day and we enjoyed meeting all the staff and seeing the mosaics beginning to appear. The staff were really enthusiastic and fun to work with, so thank you for your massive contribution to the school mosaic. | ||
"Thank you again for the superb INSET. Our staff thoroughly enjoyed it and the mosaics are looking wonderful." Fariah Anwar-Simmons Mosaic Project Co-ordinator and teacher at Priestmead Primary School, Harrow We are now working with Year 2, 4, 5 and 6 on the mosaics (ensuring all pupils have had a hand in the drawing workshops or the making) and we are looking forward to at least 60 parents coming in to help this Thursday. Thank you to all members of the school community who have contributed your unwanted tiles or spare bits of old jewellery, glass and ceramics that we can incorporate. It all adds to the re-using of materials, which is more environmentally friendly as well as being more personal to you. | ||
Maria Fidelis Catholic Secondary School, Camden, North London | ||
We had a very succesful Residency in the Spring Term that marked the school achieving
their Specialist Art Status. After a lot of hard work by hundreds of pupils, teachers, parents and four local community
groups, as well as sessions at Maud's Open Studios to finish some panels off, we have installed the school based
mosaics based on fabrics from around the world and very much inspired by the Victoria and Albert Museum's Quilt Exhibition.
There are a series of panels going up on the street too but we are waiting for some approvals before they go up... watch this space,
the project is very exciting! "What a raving success the mosaic project was. All of the service users expressed how much they enjoyed the project and would love to do something like that again in the future." Patricia Figueroa Time Bank Administrator, Origin Housing | ||
Coldfall Primary School, Muswell Hill, North London | ||
Over the Summer we also installed the wonderful bird project at this school using both the direct method as well as the indirect (upside-down and back-to front) method. The tree was inspired by a beautiful Indian fabric embroidery, also from the V and A. We are looking forward to the official opening ceremony at the end of September, where the mosaic and another green project are to be celebrated. We had great fun achieving the textural effects using the wonderful Fired Earth tiles that are recycled. | ||
A HUGE thank you to Ardex
for all their continued sponsorship and great technical advice, especially to Colin Ward for his tireless patience in the face
of difficult surfaces. Also to Fired Earth and Reed Harris for materials and Bianca, Sara, Anja, Alison, Val, Eva and all the other wonderful volunteers! | ||
Artyface Mosaic Workshops | ||
We'd love to teach you at our mosaic workshops on the River Lea and the River Thames.
They can be arranged to suit. After two successful summer weekends teaching we are looking forward to our next sessions
and meeting some new faces and seeing your ideas. Call Maud on 07958 911 315 for more information, to ask any questions and to arrange a meeting. | ||
Artyface Newsletter: July 2010 | ||
We were in The Independent on Thursday July 1st, Cover Story of Education Supplement! | ||
We have been very busy with Artyface projects so we will be sharing some of our exciting news with you in this newsletter (like the opening ceremony of Our Lady of Victories, the Open Studios and Olympiad Festival at the Wharf, E14 on the weekend 24th/25th July) and saving some for our next newsletter July no. 2. July has been a really nice month for us so far, what with the lovely interview by Peter Stanford for the front-cover story in the Education Supplement Independent Newspaper. Please see the Press page for more... | ||
The Unveiling of Marvellous Mosaics at Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School, Chelsea | ||
The Our Lady of Victories Mosaic Mural was unveiled by the Mayor and Mayoress of Kensington and Chelsea on May 21st 2010. We were overwhelmed by the ceremony that the school organised on the day: the school choir put on an amazing performance (they have sung in the Royal Albert Hall before), descriptions and testimonials were spoken to the audience by the children, headteacher and the Mayor. Specially designed leaflets were handed out and a buffet to be proud of was laid on while a slideshow completed the afternoon. We were also presented with a beautiful A3 handmade book with drawings and testimonials from the children thanking us for helping them to realise their bespoke legacy mosaic mural. May we say a BIG thank you for our card which makes us smile every time we look at it. | ||
The children, parents, teachers, neighbours, governors, Mayor and Mayoress all took part in creating the five panels which represented Africa, EurAsia, Antarctica, Australasia and The Americas. The pupils took part in drawing workshops in the Physic Garden in Chelsea and also the Natural History Museum. Maud realised that the beautiful Gilded Ceiling in the Natural History Museum that is often overlooked was similar to our theme, that of flora and fauna from around the world. Pupils drew some of the symbols such as the dove, octopus and decorative borders that were translated into mosaic. Grace Kimble and James Stockton from the Natural History Museum even came down to help out and added a few tiles to the mural! | ||
In the centre of each panel, an endangered animal was depicted to encourage awareness and importance of our natural world. 'Free-Floaters' were also made to complement the panels including butterflies, bees, dragonflies (lots of pollinators) and a bird of prey. The children were encouraged to discover what species were endangered in the UK and throughout the world. | ||
Mrs McBennett the Headteacher and Ms Morrison the Deputy Head were so pleased with the progress and talent of their pupils that meetings were held to raise more finance for a welcome mural in the front of the school. Being awarded the grant, Artyface were then called back to create a beautiful entrance mosaic with the school's logo and image to greet everyone who walks through the door to the school. The playground at Our Lady of Victories has truly been transformed! | ||
We would also like to thank Joanna Taylor for organising the gardening club, the plantation of the trees and
designing the planting and benches for the playground. Our sponsors deserve a big thank-you as well: The PTA,
Awards for All, Ardex for grout and adhesives and all the other people who donated tiles including Reed Harris.
THANK YOU! Without you this project could not have happened. Specal thanks to everyone who took part: Each tile was carefully chosen for colour, texture and shape and placed by your hands: you have made the mural as exquisite as it is for generations to enjoy. | ||
"Dear Maud and all your helpers from Artyface, thank you so much for helping me to realise my vision for
improving the playground environment for our children. I will highly recommend you to my head teacher colleagues
and would love to have you back again for future projects. You have all been so professional and friendly and we
will really miss having you at Our Lady of Victories. Best wishes and huge thanks."
Mrs McBennett Headteacher, Our Lady of Victories | ||
"What a fantastic project! The playground looks beautiful."
Cara Williams Victoria & Albert Museum | ||
"It has been great to be a part of this project, and to have helped in a small way."
Tim & Daria Coleridge Mayor and Mayoress, Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea | ||
"Dear Maud and Artyface, the mural project has been a great experience! Thanks!"
Filippo Year 6 pupil, Our Lady of Victories | ||
New Project just confirmed for Autumn Term 2010! | ||
We had some great news today that Globe Primary School in Tower Hamlets will be starting drawing workshops for their bespoke legacy mosaic mural in the Autumn Term. The mosaic will be on the street so all the passers-by in Bethnal Green will get to see it and love it as part of everyday life. We can't wait to get started on their 'World' Mural which will be installed outside the School gates. Globe School neighbours two other fantastic schools we have worked with in the past (Bonner Primary and Bangabandhu Primary), and Maud used to live just minutes away, so we are pleased to be back in that community for 2010-2011. | ||
Artyface Open Studios Weekend | ||
We are currently looking for more projects for 2011. Come down to our Open Studios weekend on July 24th/25th for an informal chat about what we can do for you. Or if you are interested in Maud's Mosaic weekends, you can come down and have a look at the beautiful materials we have for you to use. We are situated at Trinity Buoy Wharf a beautiful location by TWO rivers, the River Lea and the River Thames. Why not make a day of it and feast at Fat Boy's Diner, or delight your taste buds at The Driftwood Cafe. Workshops, the Longplayer, other open studios and performances are taking place over the Saturday and Sunday. Come and discover a truly wonderful hidden gem of London Life. We are in Studio 1 Building A, on your left immediately you enter the Wharf main gates. Call Maud on 07958 911 315 for more information or to find the studio if you are lost. | ||
Artyface Newsletter: June 2010 | ||
Artyface scores a hat trick! | ||
To start the Summer Term we unveiled 3 fabulous mosaic mural projects - Bonner Primary School in Bethnal Green, Winns Primary School in Walthamstow and Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School in Chelsea (the latter will feature in our next newsletter). We also started and completed a beautiful project at Coldfall Primary School in Muswell Hill, where we were interviewed for a large feature in the Independent newspaper - in print on Thursday 1st July in the Educational Supplement: don't miss your copy! We are also excited that we are about to begin our residency at Maria Fidelis Convent School in Camden in July. There's far too much to cover in one newsletter so we will tell you about the month of May and the first two unveilings. | ||
Winns Primary School, Walthamstow, Waltham Forest, London | ||
After months of hard work by 600+ pupils, teachers, parents and the local community, we had a
lovely unveiling at Winns Primary of their Local Heritage Mosaic Mural on May 7th. Former pupil and Olympic sprinter Jeanette Kwakye
unveiled the mural assisted by the School Council. The mural is sited on the main playground wall and it sparkles and glitters,
brightening up the school environment. There is always something new to notice, especially in the clay details
of the market stall and buildings. Debbie Jones, Art Co-Ordinator said: "Thanks so much for all your hard work - it really has been appreciated. We will certainly miss having you and the team around the school. It has been inspiring!" | ||
The Mosaic featured historical buildings and local landmarks such as their school, the Town Hall,
the William Morris Gallery and the former famous Walthamstow Dog Track and Cinema on Hoe Street - all made from clay and formed into tiles.
The pupils pressed all sorts of oddments into the clay to create different impressions that created bricks, windows, doors, roofs and foliage.
To surround the buildings, they used glass, ceramic and mirror tiles to make the park area with raised beds, the roads and the street signs.
All these features originated from superb line drawings that the pupils created in drawing workshops with Artyface Visiting Artist, Winn's parent,
and well-known Walthamstow artist, Alice Mara. Mr Ryan, Headteacher said: "The staff and children have loved working with you on the project and the end result is amazing!" | ||
Bonner Primary School, Bethnal Green, Tower Hamlets, London | ||
The month of May also saw the unveiling of another large mural project for Bonner Primary School in Bethnal Green. Their theme was indiginous nature in which 3 large panels represented Autumn, Spring and Summer. The pupils investigated plant and animal in their local area, including Victoria Park. As well as the main mural, they also drew and designed a series of 'free floaters' that decorated the side wall of the school. | ||
At the lovely opening we were yet again graced with great weather! The whole school sang a series of songs including Mary Poppins' 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!' and a touching rendition of 'You are not alone'. The Headteacher gave a speech outlining how the project came together and then the Mayor Cllr Ahmed Omer opened the mural in the playground. We were particularly impressed at the number of parents that took part in making this mural. Thank you for helping make it a success and we are so happy to have inspired you to create your own projects at home and with us at our studio! | ||
Testimonials: | ||
"I am absolutely delighted by the buzz that has been created in our school by the
fantastic mural work. This is really what is meant by a whole school project - it's a real community effort.
Maud and her team have been an absolute pleasure to work with." Martin Tune Headteacher, Bonner Primary School, Tower Hamlets "What a delight it has been to have been working on a whole school mural project led by Maud Milton. The excitement on the children's faces when they see their drawing coming to life in shiny colourful tiles is worth its weight in gold. It's been a great opportunity to bring in parents and older brother and sisters from the local secondary school. Even reception children have been able to work on tiny clay tiles which they will love finding when the mosaic is in place. It has brought everybody together in a wonderful creative way. We can't wait to see the finished project greeting us everyday as we walk through the school gates." Lindy Batchelor Teacher and Art Co-ordinator, Bonner Primary School, Tower Hamlets |
"I loved the mural, the Bumble Bee was good. I made the Bumble Bee." Sakib Year 3, Bonner Primary School, Tower Hamlets |
"I've been doing the mural for a week now during my breaktime and lunchtime.
What we actually had to do was stick down some tiles which were made out of clay, glass and stone.
We had to stick the tiles down with PVA glue and it takes 20 minutes for the glue to dry! The mural is
great fun to do because once you get the hang of it you're just going to want to do it again and again.
The tiles are stuck onto a piece of material called mesh." Tahmina Year 6, Bonner Primary School, Tower Hamlets |
Artyface Mosaic Workshops | ||
We'd love to teach you at our mosaic workshops on the River Lea and the River Thames. The next one is the weekend of July 24th/25th,
then September 18th /19th: others can be arranged to suit.
After success teaching some Italians (like selling sand to Egyptians was one joke!) we are looking forward to our next cosy session and meeting some new faces. Please do send us your comments, we appreciate all feedback and suggestions. Call Maud on 07958 911 315 to ask any questions or to arrange a meeting. Click HERE for more information. We look forward to hearing from you! | ||
Artyface Newsletter: March 2010 | ||
Re-using/Recycling | ||
Artyface: the Smart Face of Community Art has worked with nearly 1000 people in the past month. February and March 2010 have been supremely busy and lots of fun. We have been enjoying re-using ceramic and glass with donations of materials from businesses and individuals:re-using is even greener than recycling! We have also been enjoying incorporating the beautiful 'recycled' Fired Earth tiles into our mosaics. The Koalas you see in the Australasia Panel above are made entirely from recycled tiles, kindly donated by Fired Earth: thank you Fired Earth! Also a huge "thank you" to all the pupils, parents, community members, volunteers and teachers who have participated in our fortnight mosaicing in Chelsea and then our fortnight in Tower Hamlets. | ||
We do appreciate you passing this newsletter on to people and organisations you think may be interested in a project in 2010-11. To send this newsletter to someone else please copy and send them the link to this page: | ||
The Mayor, Mayoress, Councillor Taylor, School Governors and staff from The Natural History Museum visited the children at Chelsea and took part in their mosaic. | ||
The "Gold" project at Our Lady of Victories Catholic Primary School in Chelsea became even busier with a special visit from the Mayor and Mayoress of The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, Councillor Taylor and many of the school's Governors. The visitors had the project, methods and materials explained to them by pupils before making mosaics with them. It was a very special day and thank you to all who helped turn the children's drawings into beautiful mosaics over the course of the project. | ||
We also had help from James Stockton, who works at The Natural History Museum, where the children have been drawing and taking inspirations from the wonderful Gilded Ceiling, carvings and world-renowned architectural details. | ||
"I loved taking part in the mural sessions, especially doing all the 'fiddly bits'. I put all my dedication
into this project and I had a fantastic time with Maud and the rest of the crew. I love Artyface!"
Fillipo, Year 6 | ||
"I absolutely loved the fantastic experience of doing the mural. I will never forget
doing it and learning so much about the tiles and how the mural works, like using the mesh with the handmade tiles.
I will also never forget meeting the Mayor. The good thing is that every child gets to participate. With a special
thanks to you, Maud, Leona, Catherine and everyone else who helped out on the mural!" Thomas, Year 6 |
To see more about the ideas and themes behind this project, all the processes and many more pictures of the whole school community making it, please click HERE. There is so much more to see! Thank you to all the parents, neighbours, siblings, extended family members, my Auntie Glo, staff from the Natural History Museum, and everyone else that took the time and the effort to come up to the top floor to see the project and to take part. Special thanks to the music department for allowing us to take over their room for a fortnight again. We appreciate your enthusiasm and participation and we look forward to seeing you again at the unveiling sometime to be arranged in May. | ||
Maud Milton's Mosaic Weekends: | ||
Don't miss your chance to do a mosaic course (adults classes or parent and child), we want to help nurture your creativity: make that special mirror/tabletop/fire hearth you have always wanted! | ||
2010 workshops: two weekend mosaic courses for adults, and two one-day parent and child workshops in the holidays (over 6's, only with accompanying adult). Make something super-special for yourself, on your own or with a friend, for a gift or for your home: no prior experience necessary. | ||
A whole weekend for adults to concentrate on developing your skills and abilities, with expert tutors to help (small groups; all
materials and refreshments supplied: real gold and super-expensive materials at cost price). A warm, friendly atmosphere
on the River Thames to learn and enjoy. Adult only classes (2 days): �200 Sat/Sun 4th/5th September 10am-5pm Parent and a child get a whole day or two half days, whichever suits Adult and child sessions (for one day): �130, parent and child 28th July or 29th July limited places and supportive experienced tutors on hand to help. Please get in touch if you are interested, booking has begun: we have 3 students coming from Italy for the course in May and a local Londoner so places are filling up quickly. Contact or call Maud on 07958911315 Special rates for groups (3 or more adults) Mobile Mosaic Workshop possible if you have a special event or place in mind: let us come to you! Get in touch to discuss your ideas and needs. Please go HERE for more details or HERE to see more about the wonderful location at Trinity Buoy Wharf. | ||
And finally, for this month: Artyface and Bangabandhu Music Mosaic were awarded Runner-up prize in the British Association of Mosaic Makers and Topps Tiles Competition! | ||
Artyface Newsletter: January 2010 | ||
Artyface: the Smart Face of Community Art would like to wish you a happy and creative 2010! Read on to see how we are recycling for the New Year and for the chance to do a mosaic course (adults only or parent and child): we can help you to be more creative this year! | ||
Victorious and Glorious Workshops at Our Lady of Victories in Chelsea The "Gold" project at Our Lady of Victories Roman Catholic Primary School in Chelsea is very exciting. We have developed strong links with the Natural History Museum who will exhibit photos and pictures of the project at the Museum. The first day of making was a staff INSET training day and all teachers and teaching assistants rolled their sleeves up and got involved in their mosaic. Over the following fortnight we worked with around 140 pupils, as well as having siblings from other schools, lots of mums and dads, a friar, grandparents, aunts, neighbours and even Cllr. Mrs. Frances Taylor (Chairman of the Public Realm Scrutiny Committee and Chairman of Twinning, and also grandmother of three OLOV pupils!). Thank you to all who have helped turn the children's drawings into beautiful mosaics. | ||
We are to be honoured with the Mayor of Kensington and Chelsea and some of the
staff of the Natural History Museum coming to make mosaics with us between February 22nd and March 5th. Grandparents, parents and neighbours, if you would like to learn about mosaics and to come and join them, you are very welcome! Come with a friend. We will make it fun and easy for you! No previous experience needed or artistic talent. We need your help and you may discover a new appreciation for mosaics, or even a new skill/hobby! Please call Maud 07958 911315 or email her at or call the school to book yourself in. |
"At Our Lady of Victories we were seeking a partnership with artists for a whole school project to brighten
up our outdoor playground environment - and Maud and her team at Artyface were a godsend! With endless patience
and good humour, the artists and volunteers work tirelessly and their infectious enthusiasm for the work which
they are doing is contagious. During the period when the work has been going on in school there has been a stream
of eager children and adults wanting to participate. Maud herself is a jewel among artisans, inspired and inspiring, driven to share her skills and enthusiasm with as many people as possible, generously modelling her craft with others. She is super-organised and has shouldered the major part of the work in bidding for funds, resourcing and supplying the materials. Without her the project would not have been anywhere near as successful - she really does make dreams come to fruition!" Geraldine Morrison, Deputy Headteacher | ||
To see more about the ideas and themes behind this project, all the processes and many more pictures of the whole school community making it, please click HERE. There is so much more to see! | ||
A Winning Mural for Winns We had a fabulous two weeks before Christmas at Winns Primary School in Walthamstow. We put the pupils' hand-made, glaze-fired, ceramic tiles depicting Walthamstow's buildings and market stalls into place. It was very rewarding and well worth the wait to see their drawings translated into the finished shiny tiles. They then mosaiced the roads, buses, people, trees and Lloyds Park around the hand-made tiles and it looks fabulous, we are just waiting for the weather to warm up so we can put it up! | ||
"We can't wait to see the mini-beasts go up in our playground as well as the main mural - you have all worked so hard!"
Debbie Jones, Art Co-ordinator and Teacher | ||
"Our children have learned so much and enjoyed creating something new which will be valued for years to come."
Year 4 teachers, Winns Primary School | ||
We at Artyface can't wait to see the finished work up and finished in its final home. May the spring be swift so we can get it up as soon as possible! | ||
Artyface is upping our recycling for our New Year's resolution For our New Year, we have made a new start: MORE RECYCLING! This makes sense educationally, environmentally and economically, AND is more interesting aesthically in texture and colour, shapes and forms, than just using bought-in and hand-made tiles. With the steep increase in price of many materials (up by a third in some cases!) and an increasing awareness of the need to re-use (even greener than recycling) we had a re-think about sourcing more ethical materials. We are now recycling/re-using high-fired pottery from artists/potters, beachcombed glass and ceramics, mirror and other miscellaneous materials: donations accepted gladly! | ||
We would like to thank: Fired Earth Smiles Glass in Walthamstow Jeremy and Petra at Wobage Farm, Ross-on-Wye Elena Gillman and family for her beachcombing and her secret sources Daniel Smith for his beautiful porcelain glaze tests Jonny Burton for his grandfather's beautiful antique smalti and glass tiles Karen Tooth from London Potters Association The Salvation Army in Walthamstow | ||
Maud Milton's mosaic weekends Announcing our 2010 workshops: two weekend mosaic courses for adults, and two one-day parent and child workshops in the holidays (over 6's with accompanying adult only). Make something super-special for yourself, on your own or with a friend, for a gift or for your home: no prior experience necessary. A whole weekend for adults to concentrate on developing your skills and abilities, with expert tutors to help (small groups; all materials and refreshments supplied: real gold and super-expensive materials at cost price). A warm, friendly, atmosphere on the River Thames to learn and enjoy. Limited places with two experienced tutors to help you. Parent and a child get a whole day or two half days, whichever suits! Adult only classes (2 days): �200 for Sat/Sun 28/29th May 10am-5pm �200 Sat/Sun 4th/5th September 10am-5pm Adult and child sessions (for one day): �130, parent and child 28th July or 29th July Limited places and supportive tutors on hand to help. Please get in touch if you are interested, booking has begun! or call Maud on 07958 911315 We have special rates for groups (3 or more adults)! Make that special mirror/tabletop/fire hearth you have always wanted! Please send a link to our site on to people and organisations you think could be interested in what we do: we are currently looking for more projects for 2010-11. | ||
Artyface Newsletter: November 2009 | ||
Bonner Primary School in Tower Hamlets gets the whole school community involved
in their Gold Mural Project! With our fabulous Architect Volunteers Ruta, Sunita and Jyotika assisting, the Artyface team of teachers Jill, Catherine, Alice, Clem and Leona have helped Maud beaver away in Bonner Primary School, Tower Hamlets, East London. Their mission is to make three large elliptical murals along with colourful 'free-floaters' in ceramic (some hand-made by pupils) and glass tiles, and to use recycled porcelain, stoneware and mirror whenever possible. The ellipses are Autumn, Spring and Summer scenes and all the animals and plants in the design were drawn in workshops with our artists. They will enliven and inspire in the newly-built urban school's playground. "I am absolutely delighted by the buzz that has been created in our school by the fantastic mural work" Martin Tune, Headteacher told us. "This is really what is meant by a whole school project - it's a real community effort. Maud and her team have been an absolute pleasure to work with." |
More than 20 Mums, a Grandma, over 250 of Bonner's pupils, one younger sibling, the school cooks, over 46 teachers and teaching assistants on their INSET, the caretaker, a cleaner, some of the children of staff, 6 pupils from the local comprehensive Morpeth (doing their Duke of Edinburgh Awards) and others have been involved in making the mosaics so far in our eight amazing making-days in the school in November. | ||
We are really happy with the community enthusiasm and our aims for our final residency in
February are to provide workshops so that: every pupil has had a go; more dads and grandads get involved; more
grandmas come and learn; all the school cleaners have a go; we spread the 'mosaic-bug' even further! At least one
family are making mosaic mirrors for their Christmas presents this year after our mural workshops and this is exactly
what we are aiming for, to reach out and include more people! One mum who came for 3 hours for three mornings said this
is the first thing she has done for herself as her adult life so far has been spent looking after her family! Lindy Batchelor, Teacher and Art Co-ordinator, said: "What a delight it has been to have been working on a whole school mural project led by Maud Milton. The excitement on the children's faces when they see their drawing coming to life in shiny colourful tiles is worth its weight in gold. It's been a great opportunity to bring in parents and older brother and sisters from the local secondary school. Even reception children have been able to work on tiny clay tiles which they will love finding when the mosaic is in place. It has brought everybody together in a wonderful creative way. We can't wait to see the finished project greeting us everyday as we walk through the school gates." |
Hargrave Park Half-Term Hexagon Project We also had an extremely successful Half-term Bronze Project at Hargrave Park Primary School in Islington. 30 pupils from the area (from different schools) who attended the half-term playscheme had fun drawing each other in active poses. They designed panels to describe the different activities that take place at the school, then drew and painted these onto primed wooden hexagons that will be mounted in the school's entrance hall for all to see everyday. As a very active school the images ranged from Dance, Swimming, Karate, Capoeira, French, Art, to the other usual subjects such as reading and writing and other Healthy-Living activities. Ranging from Year 1 to Year 6 the students worked hard and learned new design and painting skills. They worked brilliantly together as a team, with older and more able children helping younger children and those with Special Needs. |
We are happy to announce a new Bronze Mosaic
Project for Our Maria Fidelis Roman Catholic Convent School in Camden, London, in the Summer 2010!
The theme is enlightenment combined with textile patterns from around the world to represent the multi-cultural population of the school. Artyface will do a few days of drawing and designing workshops, and then a week of wonderful workshops making indoor and outdoor panels that will be moveable when the school changes premises. Also Grangetown Primary, Cardiff, Grand Mural Opening Day Was A Great Success The PTA organised a special open day to cut the ribbon in front of the mural and to celebrate the opening of their lovely mosaic. Pictures of the process were displayed, activities making their own paper mosaics were set up, and a lucky-dip and teas and coffees were enjoyed by all! The Headteacher, Mandy Paish told us: "The launch was a big success and really enjoyed by everybody and as the PTA said, the mosaic looked fabulous and everybody thought so! Thanks once again for all your hard work." |
We are currently looking for more projects for 2010-11. Artyface are organising mosaic workshops in our studio for Spring-Summer 2010. Please get in touch if you are interested in taking part. We have special rates for groups! Make that special mirror/tabletop/fire hearth you have always wanted! |
Artyface Newsletter: October 2009 | ||
Grangetown Primary School in Cardiff celebrates their mini-beast mosaic!
Drawn, designed and made by pupils and helped by the wider community, the mosiacs have been great fun to make and look fabulous. |
The theme was mini-beasts and small animals as it was for the Nursery and Early Years Foundation Phase playground (they study mini-beasts as part of their curriculum). The whole school was involved in the drawing processes for the design and Maud and Clement ran extra-curricular workshops in lunch-times and after-school, drawing from real flowers and foliage as well as images of insects and creatures. These were then made into a design by pupils and then pupils, their parents, friends and siblings, including one Grandmother, a few teachers, a school governor, some pupils from a neighbouring school and the Caretakers daughter! | ||
We are really happy with the community involvement, and the mosaics have transformed an old and
tired space into a special inspiring place: the pupils hard-work has really paid off! Headteacher Mandy Paish said "We are absolutely delighted with our mosaic created by Artyface. The project was a whole community project that not only involved all pupils in the school but also provided opportunities to parents, grandparents and friends of the community to be involved. The finished product was totally above our expectations and has spectacularly enhanced our Key Stage 1 entrance." We would like to thank Awards for All and the School for funding, the project, Ardex Adhesives for their contribution of their fabulous adhesives and grout, as well as the Grangetown Primary community and all involved in the project and for accommodation donated! Special thanks to Mark the Caretaker who kindly donated his time to paint the wall and to Joanna Coulson: mum, artist, Governor and inspiration for the project. |
We also had a very successful Open Studios in September in association with London Open House | ||